BallToucher AC/DC

Saturday, July 03, 2004

Marlon Brando dies at the age of 80, and with him goes the last true old Hollywood star. And Don Vito Corleone.

That´s attitude

Rock in Peace, man. Brando was certainly "more R´N´R" that all and everyone of those little new rock bands that keep coming out. Me, I think I´m gonna spend the afternoon watching "The GodFather" with a nice whiskey on the rocks.

Friday, July 02, 2004

Welcome everybody. I´m the BallToucher...

Working hard and tough

Let me tell ya, at first I wanted to do my very own AC/DC web page (I actually managed to make a few contacts inside the industry, in order to get some good scoops) but then I had to face the sad reality: I´ve no idea about web design. I tried to find my way around Dreamweaver and stuff but it was way too difficult for me...and waaaay too boring. I also hate computers, so...this blog will do just fine.

This blog is about good music. What do I understand for good music? Let me show you some visual clues about it.
This is good music:

All of these are must have, you idiot

That was pretty easy, huh? Now, this is bad music:

at least he was wearing some cool jeans

This will be all for today. I´m still figuring out most of the tools, hopefully the log will eventually look better! I don´t know how often will I be posting stuff, but everything will be about good music, and some other interesting shit I might want to share with you. That´s all, feel free to post any comment and a quick "hi" to all my AC/DC friends!